
Director's Message

Recent few decades have witnessed a continuous growth in the economic development of the country specially after Introducing liberalization policies of the Indian Economy during early nineties. The demand for technically qualified professionals also increased enormously. In order to fulfill this demand country needed for new technical Institutions in the private sector which could provide with standard technical knowledge that could lead to obtain a professional diploma.

MIMT is a place where a student earns not only a valuable professional diploma but also learns humanistic values. MIMT believes in overall personality development with a holistic approach. Where a student is made equipped not only with required technical and managerial skills but also taught importance of social and national values in the life of an individual and hence we produce.

I thank you to show your interest in MIMT and welcome you to join MIMT to be a part of a very strong and dedicated team of excellent Indian citizens and technically sound professionals.

Dr Vikrant Chauhan
( Director )